The protests in Gezi Park have changed the country forever

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Erdogan has won the elections in Turkey. But he shouldn’t be fooled. While a clear majority still trusts him and his AKP party to move the country forward, the results of the elections don’t amount to a blank cheque.

The protests in Ghezi Park  in 2013 have  shown that civil society in Turkey is alive and well. Should Sultan Erdogan overstep again, the Turks are sure to make their discontent known.

A new film shows the unique way in which the protests drew in soccer fans from all three of Istanbul’s biggest clubs, and how together they formed a powerful alliance overcoming decades of hatred in one moment of civil disobedience. It is these structures of mass organization that present the AKP’s push towards authoritarianism with clear limits. If Erdogan hasn’t learned this by now, he is sure to find out soon.