Can only God save America?

Two things became clear after the most recent round of voting in the race to the White House on Saturday. Trump and Clinton won, but the race in both parties is still open.

The Republican field is dominated by The Trump and it is getting smaller, with Jeb Bush out. Rubio and Cruz taken together garnered more votes than Trump. There are still two other candidates (John Kasich and Ben Carson) left in the race, with close to no chances of securing the nomination. Once they drop out and are joined by either Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, Trump will be isolated, as they together represent a clear majority of the Republican votes.

Hillary Clinton has won Nevada, but Bernie Sanders remains very strong. The Democratic party is still not totally in love with the front-runner-woman. 

Everything this election season seems to be about anti. Anti-Washington, anti-establishment. Anti-healthcare. Anti-IS. Anti-Muslim. Anti-Obama, Anti-Anti-Gun-Control and so on.

But at the same time God is in the air of most political speeches.

Everything is America. Make America great again! The vision is nationalistic, US-centric, narrow-minded, and in a globalized world with more than seven billion other people, it is also unrealistic.

Hardly any candidate promotes detailed plans or realistic visions. Most ideas are vague like a thick political fog.

The TV debates are not about the best arguments, but just the exchange of stereotypical slurs.

The weapons used are political revolvers, shot ten times a day. Not words that include smart ideas, positive visions, or the positive spirit of George Washington and the founding fathers of America or the great presidents like Reagan or Kennedy.

Every candidate promises almost everything the people want to hear. Nobody cares about the money needed and if it can be done. 

Propaganda and populism are the two kings in America 2016.

  Democratic Party

On the Democrat side, Hillary Clinton has clearly shown that she is still very much the frontrunner in this campaign. Yes, Bernie Sanders nearly caught up to her in Nevada, where until recently, she was ahead by a comfortable 20 points, but unlike her first place in Iowa, this 52.7 to 47.2 point win is not a tie in disguise, it is a clear victory. As the Democrats move into South Carolina, where Clinton is still ahead in polls by more than 20 points, Mr Sanders will have to figure out a way to come back on super tuesday, winning at least some of the 11 states up for grabs, to keep his campaign alive.

The Democrats look split between Clinton and Sanders, the establishment and the left-wing newcomer who enjoys a lot of support with the young generation.

  Republican Party

Donald Trump has the momentum on his side: populism and a strong anti-Washington mood. He won 32, 5 percent of the votes in South Carolina.

He can win even in the South. Having stopped the Bush dynasty he is about to enter the Republican party. A revolution by a big mouth with zero experience and no political office before.

If you like it or not, it works:

Trump even accused the last Republican President, George W. Bush, of lying to the public about the Iraq War and failing to prevent the September 11, 2001, attacks. Nobody from the party dared before.

His campaign is based on insults against Muslims, Mexicans,  attacks on the wisdoms of the Pope, vague vows  and no plans at all to “Make America Great Again”, to produce more in America and not in China, with no plans how to defeat ISIS either.

No plans, no substance, but just big words and promises. A populist and isolationist- even loved by Vladimir Putin.

But by numbers in South Carolina he got 12 percent less than Rubio and Cruz together. After Bush stepped out of the race- who will get his support? If there is only one competitor he may be isolated again and lose at the very end. 

Jeb is out. After he got only 7,9 percent in South Carolina. The ultimate proof that money isn’t everything in this election cycle, one of the candidates who spent the most, finally had to concede defeat. Despite his brother campaigning vigorously for him in South Carolina, Mr Bush just never really connected with voters and frequently found himself at the centre of one of many awkward moments. He was the pale candidate of the Republican establishment with no inner fire and fighting-spirit.

His mother, former first lady Barbara Bush, had it right when she said: “We’ve had enough Bushes.” A strong anti-establishment mood dominates the Republicans and pushed her son out of the race. His career ended.

Jeb Bush expressed his dislike for Trump in a short farewell speech: “Despite what you might have heard, ideas matter, policy matters. I firmly believe the American people must entrust this office to someone who understands that whoever holds it is a servant, not the master, someone who will commit to that service with honor and decency.”

John Kasich got 7,6 percent in South Carolina, and Ben Carson 7,2 percent. Both seem still committed to continue on the campaign trail. The former is hanging around in the hope that Marco Rubio might slip up again, which would make him the only remaining viable candidate for the GOP establishment. Mr Carson at this point only keeps going for book sales.

The battle of the night, of course was once again Ted Cruz vs Marco Rubio.

Rubio defeated his number one competitor by the closest of margins of 22,5 percent.

Cruz got 22,3 percent of the votes in South Carolina.

Cruz, the Texas senator had been slated to win South Carolina and polled in second place after Donald Trump for weeks before the primary.

Rubio faced the challenge to return to old strength after an abysmal debate performance in New Hampshire and a subsequent 5th place finish. His strong 2nd place, to which he beat Cruz by a hair, he is once again the top contender to lead the GOP establishment in its fight against Donald Trump.

Cruz is not liked by the Republican establishment. Bush dislikes Rubio. Whom will Bush and his big money support now?

Since November 3rd, 2015, GLOBALO gives Marco Rubio the best chances to receive the nomination.

Never before so many candidates connect their politics and personalities to “God’s will”. Cruz and Carson speak to him and talk about him daily. Even Trump meets bible-preachers.

In America it almost looks like the candidates had been pre-selected by God himself- with the exception of Donald Trump of course.

Maybe only HE can save America now and its parties, and prevent the decline of logic, style, substance and light the holy fire of the American Dream, including the tradition of freedom, dignity for all men and the high statue of liberty.