News from the Middle East
Peace in the Middle East?
Trump vows to do what has eluded many Presidents before him – broker an agreement between Israel and Palestine
News from the Middle East
Trump vows to do what has eluded many Presidents before him – broker an agreement between Israel and Palestine
The complicated set of narratives that Trump must navigate when combatting ISIS
This snap analysis examines the currents, obstacles and opportunities of SA and the GCC plateau.
37 votes but no results
Killed 367,000: Afghanistan 111,000, Iraq 200,000, Pakistan 61,000- 6,860 US soldiers. Costs: $ 8 trillion for the United States alone
Generation M is individual, innovative, liberal, green, ethical, creative, science-savvy, consumer-savvy, tech-savvy, entrepreneurial but at the same time religious, but with its own terms.
The target for the largest non-nuclear bomb available was a network of caves
33 creative hard and soft factors of peacemaking
The Trump administration now takes centre-stage in the increasingly convoluted Syrian conflict
His first ever surfing on a bi-partican wave of support for his air strike in Syria
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